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HomeElection Donation Repay

Election Donation Repay

There is a little known program available to Tallahassee residents that refunds donations to local mayoral and City Commission candidates. The idea is to encourage small donors to participate in local elections. Here are details.

  • The program applies to contributions to city mayoral and commission candidates who file with the Supervisor of Elections even if the candidate does not make it past the primary election; 
  • It covers donations made up to election day;
  • The maximum refund is $25 even if more was donated to one or more candidates;
  • Only voters registered in Tallahassee may receive refunds;
  • Refunds issued only for donations made in the current election cycle;A claim form and receipts from candidates’ campaign committees must be submitted to receive refund.

To request a claim form via computer, go to the Ethics Board link on the Tallahassee city website (Ethics Board), then go to Campaign Contribution Refund Program to see a description of what is required. Choose Request a Refund to get the form. Residents without access to a computer can call 850-891-6552 to request the form. Leave a message if necessary and someone will return the call. The submission deadline is mid-January of the year after the election.

To receive a $25 refund, the form and receipts should be submitted to You may also send it via U.S. mail or deliver in person to the Independent Ethics Board, 300 South Adams Street, A-25, Tallahassee, FL 32301. The refund claim form and receipts for this election cycle must be received at the Board no later than January 15th of the year following the election.


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