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HomeProperty Tax Savings

August 25, 2019: Property tax savings for seniors

Most homeowners are aware of the homestead tax exemption available for all homeowners in Leon County. There are three additional exemptions elders could also take advantage of.

     * LOW INCOME SENIOR EXEMPTION - To be eligible for this exemption the highest allowable annual income for 2019 is $30,174. Can reduce the assessed value of house up to $25,000.

     *LONG-TERM SENIOR RESIDENT EXEMPTION - 1) Must qualify for the low-income senior exemption, 2) lived in the same house for the last 25 years and 3) have a home market value of less than $250,000. Households meeting these criteria will pay no property taxes.

     *COMBAT-RELATED DISABILITY EXEMPTION FOR SENIORS - Must be a vet with partial or total combat-related disability and have an honorable discharge. Tax reduction is tied to amount of disability.

More information: Leon County Property Appraiser - 850-606-6200

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